Please pardon the appearence of this website, it is still a work-in-progress.

Welcome to my website

To learn more about me, please visit my About Me page or visit my LinkedIn Profile.

JavaScript Projects (works-in-progress)

Both of these projects are still being worked on and should not be considered complete. Both were coded entierly by me using JavaScript and as well as p5.js project packages. The projects are only confirmed to work well on desktop PCs running Google Chrome (p5.js doesn’t interact well with FireFox, Safari, or mobile browsers).

To play my Flappy Bird game click here. To view its repository on GitHub, click here. Please pardon the appearence of my sprites, I’m no graphic designer. Project inspired by work by Srdjan Susnic and Code Bullet on YouTube.

To play Pong click here. To view its repository on GitHub, click here.

The ultimate goal for both projects is to integrate ML/AI systems into each game. Flappy Bird includes a custom evolutionary algorithm that evolves AI birds (using neural networks) over multiple generations. For now, Pong only has ‘knowledge engineering’-style AI for the opponent, but I will be working on integrating a machine learning system to allow for predictions of where the ball will move. Should end up similar to a OpenAI Gym (they redid their website recently and there’s no longer any profile pages, so I unfortunately can’t link the performance of the models that I developed in the past).

Website Info

This website is graciously hosted for free by GitHub Pages using the Cayman theme from the Jekyll project. Domain name services were provided for free by NameCheap for Education as part of GitHub Pro.

To view the repository for this website, please click here. To view my other GitHub repositories, click here.