About me

I am currently a student at Stevens Institute of Technology set to graduate in May 2019. I am a talented coder and dedicated worker, I have experience and interest in the fields of machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and time-series analysis/forecasting.

I’m greatly interested in the cutting-edge sub-fields of computer science and data science and I know that they will provide a path to a brighter future for people living across the world. My formal academic experience has primarily focused on developing proficiency working with time-series and financial data. In addition, after I was exposed to machine learning and NLP in the classroom setting, I set out to learn more and develop increased proficiency in these subjects on my own. Since that point (nearly two years ago) I’ve been avidly reading new research in the field, taking online courses, signing up for electives involving machine learning, and working at practically implementing the systems I’ve learned about.

On my spare time I enjoy volunteering as an EMT in Hoboken NJ. I am also an avid movie buff, my favorite film is Terry Gilliam’s 1985 classic Brazil.

Please feel free to send message me if you’d like to talk! I’m more than happy to talk with anyone about data science, quantitative finance, machine learning, NLP, movies, or emergency medicine!


Find me on LinkedIn: LinkedIn page.

Find me on Kaggle: Kaggle profile. ‘Expert’ tier, current rank: 185/85,299.

Find me on StackExchange: StackExchange profile

Find me on GitHub (oh look, you’re already here): GitHub Pages website or view all repositories